Sorry it has been so long to write- there has been so much going on - you wouldn't even believe this is my life! So Nick had his surgery - had issues during surgery and luckily he came out of it ok... Opposite of all we were told he was sent home against our wishes by the PACU nurse at Childrens hospital. Much to our shrigrin we were on not even 2 hours before rushing Nick's non responsive little body back to Boston by ambulence with a 104 and rapidly climbing fever! While totally dehydrated- he had to get poked 7 times to get a vein while the poor thing screamed his head off. My husband I took turns to comfort him because it takes a big toll on you as a parent.
This was Nick getting his blood work- he didn't even cry - just a pout! he is such a strong little kid! Since the recovery from the surgery which by the way did give him pnemonia again... once home he was healthy for about a week. Then you guessed it - Pnemonia. This time it was bad they admitted him right away. Three days on more heavy meds- poor Nick ended up with night tremors and seperation anxiety all over again!
Thankfully he is on the mend again! Tomorrow we go to Boston to see if there are any results from the cilia biopsy and or if they have any ideas as to what is causing all of these issues with constant pnemonia. As you can see he is a pretty happy little boy!
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