Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Web Page

This is quite the project - I am working on the site but need to get some legalities in order- SOON I will have all that I need to launch www.APinchofGerman.com It is a LONG time comnig and I can't wait to share it with you!  You can go and like my facebook page :O) it will give you an idea of the website....  just search A Pinch of German and it will pull up for you!  If you "like" the page I appreciate it!  Trying to get my concept programed when I am not a programmer is complicated at times... but good bad indifferent and wether or not successful- I must complete it.  That is the thing - get back to checking things of my list.

Excercise program check - and for those that have not tried ZUMBA yet OMG is it great! so much fun!!!  down 30 and climbing :O)

Cooking recipes and writing them up with photos- Check- currently on my facebook and ebay pages...

House cleaned - well we all know that is on going haha

House repairs- done as we can afford

Getting to bed on time- G'Night :O)

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